Repository Name:

  • FantasyCreator

Project Name:

  • Fantasy Adventure Online

Progamming Languages Used:

  • Python
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • MySQL


  • Planning Out Timeline
  • Making Wireframe
  • Mapping out Front End
  • Adding in Back End Clickable functions
  • Finishing the Rough MVP
  • Connecting to MySQL Server


  • I have a deep love for fantasy and gaming. I want to one day make my own game from scratch. I remember websites where you can make characters and explore new worlds. So to get closer to my dream I decided to try my hand at making a fantasy adventure website. One where you can go on quest and find items to sell. There would be a leveling system and a battle system where you could level up and upgrade your character's stats. I also wanted to have a friends system and guild system so that users on the website could connect with one another and play together.