Doo Graphics

Developed a RESTful API for a simple note-taking application using Node.js. The API allows users to create, read, update, and delete notes.

Implemented using: Typescript, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose.js

Getting Started

Run the following commands

  • npm install to install all the dependencies
  • npx tsc to compile typescript files
  • Use node dist/index.js to run the project


Just run npm start which compiles and runs the project


After running the project, you can use npm run test to run the tests

API Endpoints

  • GET /notes - Retrieve all notes
  • POST /notes - Create a new note
  • GET /notes/:id - Retrieve a note by its ID
  • PUT /notes/:id - Update a note by its ID
  • DELETE /notes/:id - Delete a note by its ID