
Department of Technology at Watchout is looking for full-time or part-time web developers.

Open an issue at this repo OR contact dev@watchout.tw for more details and appointment.

Our passion

  • Want to code good
  • Want to make new things
  • Want to push change into the world

Our work

  • Watchout infrastructure services
    • Image storage and management
    • Chatroom
    • Content management system & editor
  • Watchout products
    • 國會無雙
    • 給問擂台
    • 公民學院
    • 議題實驗室

Our tech stack

  • Foundation
    • Git
    • Google Cloud Platform
  • Back-end
    • MySQL
    • Node.js
    • Hapi
  • Front-end
    • Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Webpack
    • Micro-interaction libraries
      • d3.js
      • Processing
      • HTML5 & CSS3 animation

👉 ... and the skills you bring to the table 👈