In fact, this is a more simplified version of simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch.
- use pytorch functions instead of numpy functions to generate anchors and targets. Be especially careful with these two functions:
because they perform in different way in pytorch and numpy. - clearer logic.
- complete roi pooling
- add Resnet as backbone
- complete train and evaluate pipeline
ratios=(0.5,1.0,2.0) scales=(4.,8.,16.) base_size=16 stride=32
to show the generated anchor box more clearly, only one set of base anchors is drawed.
ratios=(0.5,1.0,2.0) scales=(8.,16.,32.) base_size=16 stride=16 pos_iou_threshold=0.5
the green boxes are matched anchor boxes.
for vgg16 as backbone, the architecture is shown in the figure below.