I'm using @fastify/static
so I could use sendFile in reply of fastify
and that works perfect with Controller like (I should return cause without return files are sending empty)
export class AppController {
getFileTest(@Res() res: FastifyReply) {
return res.sendFile('index.html');
but the problem is I need to sendFile in an exception (and all files are sending empty no matter with return or without) (that works with express and not with fastify)
import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
import { FastifyReply } from 'fastify';
export class NotFoundExceptionFilter implements ExceptionFilter {
catch(exception: NotFoundException, host: ArgumentsHost) {
const response = host.switchToHttp().getResponse<FastifyReply>();
return response.status(200).sendFile('index.html');
//response.status(200).send('text'); //works fine express and fastify
are there ways to sendFile from and @Catch(NotFoundException)?
route "/" returns index.html
route "file" returns index.html
any else routes are returning empty index.html
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