Data Annotation Tool for Named Entity Recognition using Active Learning and Transfer Learning

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Data Annotation Tool for Named Entity Recognition (DANER) using Active Learning and Transfer Learning. For a quick overview of the project, see slides. For more details, see design_doc.

Disclaimer: This project is a demo rather than a fully functional product. We may or not continue this project in the future.



  • Backend: Make sure you have all the packages as listed in requirement.txt, otherwise you may want to install them using the following command.
# Run at the project root
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirement.txt
  • Frontend: Not necessary. But if you want to build the frontend yourself, you need to install the package using the following command.
cd ./frontend
npm install


  • Run DANER on local machine.

    • Run Backend: python ./backend/app.py
    • Run Frontend
      • Method 1: Run directly: Open ./frontend/dist/spa/index.html in Browser.
      • Method 2: Build and Run: Build the frontend: quasar build and Method 1.
      • Method 3: Run in development mode: quasar dev.
  • Run DANER on cluster

    • Run Backend on cluster:
      • srun --mem=16G -c 4 --gres=gpu:1 -p interactive --qos=nopreemption --pty bash
      • python ./backend/app.py
    • Setup Vector VPN
    • Run Frontend in the same way as above.
  • Note

    • You may need to modify the baseURL in the GUI.

Project Structure

We provide the following figure to better understanding of the project structure and modify the conresponding code to satisfy your personal needs.
