
Basically a moderation bot for discord.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Meet Fyre, a simple moderation bot!

Fyre is a relatively lightweight moderation bot for Discord intended for moderation, yet it also contains a variety of other features. Fyre is built using the powerful discord.js library.

Table of Contents:


  1. Install a node.js version of 16 or higher, if not already having done so.
  2. Clone/Download this repository.
  3. Install the neccessary dependencies by running npm install
  4. If not already done, create a discord bot application here.
  5. Make a copy of the botconfig example.json file, and put it in the same folder. Make sure to name this file botconfig.json. Next, open a file editor, and replace the token/ownerid keys with the correct values. If you don't know how to get your id, click here. The bot's token can be found by clicking on your bot application, clicking on Bot to the left, and copying your token there.
  6. Please note that if you are going to upload this code to github, make sure that your token is invisible. If your token is public any random person can control the bot. By default if it is in a botconfig.json file, the .gitignore should hide it if you for example fork the repo.
  7. Add the bot to your server. You can generate an invite link on the application page. Make sure to give the bot administrator, as well as scopes of applications.commands and bot.
  8. Run the bot by typing npm start, if an error occurs right as you do this command, you may want to type npm test, which will let you know if you have npm module(s) missing. The default prefix for the bot is $.


Note: Each command here also has aliases that aren't listed. If you run $help <command-name>, you can see all of the aliases a command might have.


$addrole <user> <role-name> Add a role to someone.
$ban <user> <reason?> Ban a misbehavior for whatever reason.
$unban <user> <reason?> Unban someone you've banned. You can use the id of the user as well.
$kick <user> <reason?> Someone getting on your nerves, yet not enough so that you would ban them? The kick command is right for you.
$mute <user> <reason?> Stop someone from talking if they are spamming/etc.
$tempmute <user> <time> Temporarily mute someone anywhere for 10s, 1d, 3h, etc.
$nick <user> Change someone's nickname with this command.
$purge <amount> This command will let you quickly delete messages from a channel.
$removerole <user> <role-name> The counter to $addrole, this command will let you quickly remove a role from someone.
$unmute <user> The counter to $mute, this command will unmute someone who is muted, and let them talk again.
$warn <user> <reason?> Someone starting to misbehave. Warn them to see if they'll stop.


$8ball <question> Get an answer to a question you may have from the magical 8ball.
$cat If you are a cat person.
$dog The follow up but if you are a dog person.


$eval <code> Quickly evaluate some code. As the name of the category implies, only the owner designated by the ownerID in the botconfig can run these commands.
$reload <command-name> If you've just made a change to a command, and are tired of having to constantly restart the npm process each time you want your changes to go through, reload will quickly do it for you.
$shutdown Shuts down the bot.


$prefix <string> Change the prefix the bot answers to. Currently only one character is allowed.
$botinfo Get some stats on the bot.
$help <command-name?> Saying just $help will cause the bot to send you a list of the commands, if you type a command name, the bot will you give more detailed information on that command itself.
$ping Get's the bot's ping.
$serverinfo Get some stats on the server you're in.
$urban <query?> Ask the urban dictionary about something. No query will return a random urban dictionary result.


$anonreply <text> Anonymously reply to a modmail thread started by someone.
$block Block someone from using the modmail service. Only usable in a modmail channel for that user.
$close If used in a modmail text response channel, close the thread.
$unblock <id?> Unblocks someone from the modmail service. Id unneeded if used in a modmail channel for that user. If not, id required.

Bot Options:

These options go in the botconfig.json file.

Option Default Type Description
token None String Required - The bot's token. You can find this in your application page for this bot.
ownerid None String Recommended - Your discord user id. Some commands off limits without this.
whitelist false Boolean If this is set to true, only messages that were sent by users (see option users) will be parsed.
users String[] Array If whitelist is true, then user ID's in this array will be the only ones able to use the bot.
mail false String Setting this option to a string of a guild ID will automatically turn on modmail in said guild.
categoryID null String If modmail is on, then when a user DM's the bot, when a help channel is being created if this is set, the channel will be created underneath a specific category.
status Awaiting commands... String The bot's displayed activity.
prefix $ String The bot's default prefix. Keep in mind you can also just change this with the prefix command.
notplugins String[] Array If you have a plugin in src/plugins, any file here will be excluded from executing when plugins load.


Plugins are events run at bot startup initialization. Click here for more information.