Picture Imperfect


The drawing game to make Picture Imperfect memories that last.

Welcome to Picture Imperfect

The Game

The game in which groups of friends and family, no matter how near or far, draw on a shared canvas to win the judges' favor. Picture Imperfect is a web-based game in which you and your friends recieve a word to draw so that the judge can guess it. The only caveat is that you are drawing on a canvas on which your opponents are also drawing. The goal is to get the round's judge(s) to guess your word first. So, how do you play exactly?

The Rules

  1. The host creates a lobby where other players can join. The maximum number of players is 13 and the minimum is 3.

  2. The host can alter the number of rounds the game will have with the default being 3 rounds. A round consists of multiple turns dependent on the number of players in the lobby.

  3. Players in the lobby can choose to input custom words, which have a possibility of being shown as actual words in the game.

  4. At the beginning of each turn, the players are split into two teams and one judge. In the case of a game having an even number of players, there will be two judges.

  5. Each team receives a word that is different from the other team's word. The judge(s) do not know the words.

  6. When the timer begins, both teams have 90 seconds to draw a picture of their word on a canvas that the other team shares. Members in a team take turns drawing with each member having 4 seconds.

  7. The two players that are currently drawing are listed at the top of the screen in the format of 'PlayerA VS. PlayerB'. Additionally, an individual player's canvas will turn yellow when it is their turn to draw. If there are many players, a queue with who is up to draw next will be visible.

  8. The judges guess in the chat. Judges have infinite guesses and can keep guessing within the time limit until they get it right. There is a word hint at the top of the chatbox to gain insight into the length of each team's word.

  9. If a judge guesses a team’s word, that team and the judge who guessed the word all receive a point. When a turn ends the players are taken to a screenshot page. The next turn does not start until everyone hits the 'I'm Ready' button.

  10. Each turn, the teams change as the judges are rotated in to be players. The next round only starts once every player has had the chance to be a judge.

  11. When the number of rounds specified by the host in the beginning of the game is reached, the game ends. The winner is the player with the most points by the end of all the rounds.

Where can you play?
