
Welcome to Charitable.

Who is Charitable?

Charitable is you.

Charitable is a community of people in the U.S. who have the means to donate their time or money and want to make a positive contribution to society. Members of Charitable are also likely people who are comfortable navigating social media.

Why Charitable?

Charitable means a lot to all of our team’s members- we wanted to embrace LMU’s value of service and create a way to make it easier to give back.

From a developmental standpoint, we can apply our learnings from Databases, Networks, Interaction Design, and UI/UX Design. We are excited to use this opportunity to utilize each of our strengths and also expand our skill sets. This project will help us understand what software development is like in industry. Our workflow plan organizes our tasks such that we challenge ourselves to learn, but also make the work manageable so that we stay motivated. We are aiming to complete this project within a semester’s timeframe.

What is Charitable?

Charitable is a web application that raises awareness for humanitarian causes and provides opportunities for users to give back to their community. We want to create a space where users can learn about legitimate organizations that they can donate to or volunteer at.

Charitable has a trending page that displays the top 10 globally trending organizations. The search page also allows users to search for organizations, activities, and other users related to a particular query. The search results display information on each organization that outlines what the organization does, why their cause is important, what donations are used for, and what the organization has accomplished.

Charitable additionally provides a social media platform to foster a Charitable community. By registering with Charitable, users can follow each other, save organizations and activities theat they find interesting, and share their experiences with others through posts to their timeline.

Chartiable is here to help you help others.

Important Features:

Charitable’s most important features include:

1. The Search Engine:

Users can research specific causes, learn about new causes, and find organizations and activities that they are interested in.

The search engine also allows users to search for other users registered with Charitable.

2. The Trending Page:

Users can discover globally popular organizations in the nation.

3. User Profile:

Users maintain a profile with which they can save their favorite charities and Charitable opportunities.

4. Creating a Social Media Environment

Users have the ability to connect with other users and share charities and opportunities with each other.

Users can create “events” (donations to or volunteer plans for organizations on Charitable) that other users can join.

Hardware/Software it requires:

To use this application, any device that can run a web browser is required. Users will also need a web browser.

For developmental purposes, we are using the GlobalGiving API to aid us in accessing data about charities. Our application will be developed using React and we will utilize VS Code to collaborate on our work. We will use a SCRUM development framework to manage our tasks. To do this, we will use Jira. We will also use Adobe XD to create prototypes and mock-ups of our ideas.

Thanks for visiting our page! You can learn more about how to use Charitable with our User Manual.

We are looking forward to making your day for Charitable.
