Youtube Backend

This project is a complex backend project that is built with nodejs, expressjs, mongodb, mongoose, jwt, bcrypt, and many more. This project is a complete backend project that has all the features that a backend project should have. I tried to build a complete video hosting website with combination of tweets similar to youtube and twitter with all the features like login, signup, upload video, like, unlike, comment, subscribe, unsubscribe, tweets and many more.

Project uses all standard practices like JWT, bcrypt, access tokens, refresh Tokens and many more.

Services used for storing the data- mongoDB and cloudinary

Data Model


API Routes

For Users

  • /api/v1/users

    -/register- POST - Registers an user

    -/login- POST - Logs in an user

    -/logout- POST - Logs out an user

    -/change-password- POST - Changes the password for the user

    -/refresh-token- POST - Generates new refresh token for the user

    -/current-user- GET - Gets the current user

    -/watch-history- GET - Gets the watch history of current user

    -/channel/:username- GET - Returns user channel profile

    -/avatar- PATCH - Updates the avatar of the user

    -/cover-image- PATCH - Updates the cover image of the user

    -/update-account-details- PATCH - Updates the account details of the user

For Videos

  • /api/v1/videos

    -/publish-video- POST - To upload the video

    -/update-video/:videoId- POST - Update video details(title, description and thumbnail)

    -/toggle-publish-status/:videoId- POST - Toggle the publish status of a video

    -/get-all-videos- GET - To fetch all videos of the user

    -/:videoId- GET - To fetch the video by video ID

    -/delete-video/:videoId- DELETE - To delete the video

For Tweets

  • /api/v1/tweets

    -/- POST - To create a tweet

    -/user/:userId- GET - To get user tweets

    -/:tweetId- GET - To update the tweet

    -/:tweetId- DELETE - To delete the tweet

For Playlist

  • /api/v1/playlist

    -/:playlistId - GET - To fetch the playlist -PATCH - To update the playlist -DELETE - To delete the playlist

    -/add/:videoId/:playlistId- PATCH - To add video to the playlist

    -/remove/:videoId/:playlistId- PATCH - To remove video from the playlist

    -/user/:userId- GET - To get user playlists

For Comments

  • /api/v1/comments

    -/:videoId - GET - To get video comments -POST - To comment onto a video

    -/c/:commentId- PATCH - To update the comment - DELETE- To delete the comment

For Likes

  • /api/v1/likes

    -/toggle/v/:videoId- POST - To toggle video like

    -/toggle/c/:commentId- POST - To toggle comment like

    -/toggle/t/:tweetId- POST - To toggle tweet like

    -/videos- GET - To get the liked videos of the logged in user

For Subscription

  • /api/v1/subscriptions

    -/c/:channelId - GET - To get Channel Subscribers -POST - To toggle subscription on the channel

    -/u/:subscriberId- GET - To get Subscribed channels

For Dashboard

  • /api/v1/dashboard

    -/stats- GET - To get channel stats(logged in)

    -/videos- GET - TTo get channel videos(logged in)

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run dev