This repo is for Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) for Women in Technology Open Source Day (OSD) projects.
The projects this year are as listed below along with project leads.
Systers GHCOSD Mentor: Nicki Hutchens, Jessica Lam, Vedrana Jankovic
Malaria project is a gaming reminder mobile application designed to help Peace Corps volunteers in the prevention tactics. Prevention is focused on sustained use of preventive medications, which are taken either daily or weekly, depending on the medicine. The application features a reminder system; an ability to indicate that medication was taken on time or missed; the ability for the volunteer to track their usage history; a trip indicator to help remind volunteers to pack certain supplies to prevent malaria if they leave their home village; and an Info Hub that will provide accurate information about Malaria and the medications they are taking.
Skills desired or want to learn: Android and iOS (Swift).
- Improve integration with trip history.
- Add a feature to mark trip plan items.
- Add previous and next post buttons.
- Add left-right swipe navigation between posts.
- Create a new module for social network integration.
- Test sharing pill stats on Facebook/Twitter.
Systers GHCOSD Mentor: Ana Balica, Magali Boizot-Roche
Peace Corps is committed to providing a compassionate and supportive response to all Volunteers who have been sexually assaulted. To that end, the Peace Corps makes the following commitment to our Volunteers who are victims of sexual assault.
This project is to support thsi initiative by creating a mobile app that PCVs can readily have accessible to report or gain information on Peace Corps Safety and Security procedures.
The mobile application will be developed in both Android and iOS platforms.
Skills desired or want to learn: Android or iOS
Systers GHCOSD Mentors: Ana Cutillas, Alma Castillo Antolin, Melania Galea
Female Empowerment App called PowerUp. It would be an educational choose-your-own-adventure game that allows young girls (12 to 14) to learn about reproductive health and self-esteem by navigating the life of their avatar. Preadolescents struggle with self-esteem, which makes them vulnerable to peer and media influence.
Skills desired or want to learn: Android.
- Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of Android Studio. It works on Linux, Windows and Mac. Download the correct version for your OS
- Go to the project repo and fork it by clicking "Fork"
- If you are working on Windows, download Git Bash for Windows to get a full Unix bash with Git functionality
- Clone the repo to your desktop
git clone
- Open the project with Android Studio
- Create a documentation wiki
- Translate the game to another language
- Test for bugs
- Change app name to "Power Up"
- Reverse arrows in the creation room
- Remove "Continue" button from map
- Adapt map layout buttons to tablet
- Add an "About" screen
- Improve the conversation boxes UI
- Develop a minigame-selection screen
- Remove Toast messages in the conversation
- Make back button go to the initial screen
- Show health and power values in the game UI
- Make the changing room open the first time the app starts
- Show points earned after finishing each scenario
- Develop clothes and accessories for avatars using Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator
Systers GHCOSD Mentors: Julia Proft (remote from New London, CT) and Divya Upadhyay (remote from Patna, India)
Part of the PCV initiative is work with the Deaf Association of Guyana to discover how where deaf services are needed. The project is to identify homes where there are potential need of deaf services or someone in the home who is deaf so that 1) future PCVs can continue the work, 2) determine what type of services and 3)need must be facilitated and reporting back to Peace Corps. PCV onsite will gather data via GPS device, record information on each location where it is determine there is a deaf occupant, and display information collecting on a web page and all the data uploads and content added is part of a fluid solution.
Skills desired or want to learn: Kohana PhP, RESTful API, PhP, Python or Ruby
The main Systers repository for Ushahidi is crowdmap, which can be downloaded and set up be following the instructions in the readme. Note that the code in that repository is tailored for a slightly different Systers project than the one described here (it was for a Peace Corps Azerbaijan deployment rather than a Peace Corps Guyana one), so in order to get the Guyana-specific code, you will need to use Divya's Ushahidi-Guyana repository.
- Create a logo for the project that can be used as a site header.
- Create an initial user guide to assist PCVs in using the site.
- Write a brief user guide for Google Glass based on this video.
- Test features of the site and note any issues or difficulties.
- Create a button that allows PCVs to volunteer for an opportunity.
- Implement the back-end functionality for the volunteer button.
Systers GHCOSD Mentor: Sandi Giver, Patrick Choquette, Gabe Krieshok, Sheila Campell
We've built several web and mobile applications for Peace Corps. We've also created a Mobile App Control Center (MACC) to push notifications and updates from web application to mobile app. However, the next phase in bringing all of the applications together is a Peace Corps Hub.
We have initial design of the web application from Qualcomm EmpowHerment Hackathon. Please visit the winners' page for initial design.
Skills desired or want to learn: Python/Django, html, php
(PCHub Repo)[]
The app-web-server server will host this application so please visit environment repo and choose app-web-server for your environment setup.
PCHub Winners site PCHub Detail Design Documentation PCHub Demo site
- Create css template as specified in detail design documentation.
- Create home page with access buttons.
- Create buttons to go to each application we've created for Peace Corps. See list below.
Malaria (Android)[], (iOS)[] PeaceTrack (Android)[], (iOS)[] Peace Corps Sexual Assault (Android)[], (iOS) TBA
(Ushahidi)[] (Photo Language Translation)[] (Mobile App Control Center)[]