
unni is a Telegram Bot that gives info about events from isamuni

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


unni is a Telegram Bot that gives info about events from isamuni

unni is the Sicilian word for where. That is one of the main questions people ask about events: where is it? unni, however, provides more information about events than just where that happen.

unni will serve the events data from isamuni.


This is the list of commands supported by unni

  • /help
  • /today
  • /future

We would love to have other commands, such as /topic or /city, in the future.

Running the Bot Locally

This bot is using the python-telegram-bot library.

The first step to run the bot is to install the required dependencies. You can do this via pip

$ pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade

Then call the @BotFather within Telegram and use the /newbot command to create a new bot.

Then create a configuration file called unni.cfg that follows this template:

name = unni

name = isamuni
url = http://isamuni.it/events.json

token = 2ThisIsGoingToBeAVeryLongTokenFromBotFatherXY

dir = logs
name = unni_bot.log

start = start
help = aiuto
future = futuri
today = oggi

welcome = Ciao {user_name}! Io sono {bot_name}
    Usa il comando: /{help_cmd} per maggiori info su come posso aiutarti
help = Unni ti aiuterà a trovare gli eventi tech in Sicilia.
    I comandi disponibili sono:
    - /{today_cmd}
    - /{future_cmd}
    Unni usa isamuni.it come fonte di dati.
failure = Mi dispiace, ma non ho trovato eventi
next_event = Il prossimo evento sarà:
today = Gli eventi di oggi sono:
future = I prossimi eventi sono:

Then run:

$ python unni.py

Now you can call your bot on telegram and have fun!

Run unni via docker and docker-compose


$ docker build -t unni .
$ docker run unni


$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d # will start container in background

Testing the deployed Bot

You can test it by adding the unni_bot to your Telegram


This project is currently maintained by the PAC Community and it is under the MIT license. Feel free to use and modify it.