
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Raison d'être

Historic NodeJS libraries are mostly callback-based. Modern NodeJS programs rely more heavily on Promise construct for asynchronous constructs. This library aims to expose Promise-based file system calls so that it all works nicely together.

The library

It's actually just one function built out of fs.readFile and Kris Kowal's excellent q library for Promise management.

What it does is expose a Promise-based readFile function so that I can read file contents and keep on working with the contents and thinking in terms of Promises.

The library

I might add to that library in the future if there are patterns emerging from the code I write. I might want to better segment the interface exposed by Pinky with sub-namespaces like Pinky.fs, Pinky.http. I'll have to check NodeJS's best practices in more depth to see if that makes sense.


Explore BaconJS and HighlandJS, as was mentioned in Pamela Selle's talk at StrangeLoop.