
Template for extending ASReview with a new dataset

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Template for extending ASReview with a new dataset

ASReview v1.0

ASReview has support for extensions, which enable you to seemlessly integrate your own programs with the ASReview framework. This template can extent ASReview with new data.

See the section Extensions on ReadTheDocs for more information on writing extensions.

Getting started

Click the Use this template button and add/modify the algorithms. Install your new dataset with

pip install .


pip install git+https://github.com/{USER_NAME}/{REPO_NAME}.git

and replace {USER_NAME} and {REPO_NAME} by your own details.


Adding a dataset to ASReview is done by extending the BaseDataSet class, and adding it to ASReview. To use this template, fork it and modify the following files:

For advanced usage- (e.g. adding multiple groups), check out the BaseDataGroup in the example and at the documentation.


MIT license