It is an user management system that displays all of the users on a dashboard and has register, login and user update functionality
For this project, we need Visual Studio Code and MySQL Workbench. This application is built using express, react, sequelize and MySQL.
- In MySQLWorkbench, create a database using the following queries :-
- create database usermanagementsystem
- use usermanagementsystem
- In VS Code, open this folder.
- In the backend/config/config.js file update the username an password of MySQL Workbench local instance.
- Using the terminal in VS Code, install the dependencies using : npm i
- Then start the app with : npm run start
When user requests the first time for address localhost://3000/signup in the browser, he/she will land on the signup page.
On signup page,user can enter details like firstname, lastname, email, password and confirm password.
After signup, the user will be redirected to updateUserDetails (localhost://3000/updateUserDetails) page.
In updateUserDetails page given by the address localhost://3000/updateUserDetails , it will fetch the first name, last name and email from signup but we can update first name, last name and address of the user.
- After updating user, he/she will be redirected to userDetails page where the first name, last name , email and address of the user will be displayed.
Also a user can request for address localhost://3000/login, he/she will land on the login page.
In the login page, user will be asked for entering email and password.
- After logging in, the user will be redirected to userDetails page.
The database is named usermanagementsystem which contains a users table. It consists of following fields:-
- firstName
- lastName
- password
- salt
- address