
Simple Tetris copy to practice Vanilla Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple Tetris copy to practice Vanilla Javascript

Game Logic

[Done] - Pre-chosen blocks are randomly generated

[Done] - Blocks will generate at the top of the page and start falling to the bottom

[Done] - Blocks can be turned 360 deg around and move side to side

[Done] - When a block lands it can no longer move from that position

[Done] - When a line of blocks is filled up, that entire line will disapear

[Done] - Score board is updated whenever a line disapears

Styling Objectives

[Done] - Have the main game grid actually gridded

[half] - Changed the main grid color (maybe something visual)

[ ] - Give It a proper start menu

[Done] - Display Final Score somewhere


[ ] - have a top 3 scoreboard displayed somewhere

[ ] - somewhere to input your name

[ ] - After Game ends have a new button to start a new game

Known Bugs

[ ] - Sometimes the next tetromino will randomly appear twice. One that moves, another that stays still around the center (The second tetromino will disappear if the first one hovers over it)

[ ] - When the first score is made, the next tetrominos will start spawning at the second line, of grid, instead of the first

[ ] - Pressing the Start/Pause Button mid game will change the next tetromino displayed