
GitHub action to run a script using the Office 365 CLI

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Office 365 CLI runscript GitHub action

GitHub action to run a script using the Office 365 CLI

Office 365 CLI Runscript

This GitHub Action (created using typescript) uses Office 365 CLI, to run a line of script supplied to it or run code in a script file supplied to it.



Create a workflow .yml file in .github/workflows directory of your repo. An example workflow is available below. For more information, reference the GitHub Help Documentation for Creating a workflow file.

Dependencies on other GitHub Actions

  • Office 365 CLI LoginRequired . This action is dependant on action-cli-login. So in the workflow we need to run action-cli-login before using this action.

Optional requirement

Since action-cli-login requires user name and password which are sensitive pieces of information, it would be ideal to store them securely. We can achieve this in a GitHub repo by using secrets. So, click on settings tab in your repo and add 2 new secrets:

  • adminUsername - store the admin user name in this (e.g. user@contoso.onmicrosoft.com)
  • adminPassword - store the password of that user in this. These secrets are encrypted and can only be used by GitHub actions.


  • O365_CLI_SCRIPT_PATH : Relative path of the script in your repo.
  • O365_CLI_SCRIPT : The script to run
  • IS_POWERSHELL : true|false Used only with O365_CLI_SCRIPT. If true the assumption is the script passed in O365_CLI_SCRIPT will be a PowerShell script, otherwise the assumption is bash script. Default is false

One of O365_CLI_SCRIPT_PATH / O365_CLI_SCRIPT is mandatory, in case both are defined O365_CLI_SCRIPT_PATH gets preference.

Example workflow - Office 365 CLI Runscript

On every push build the code, then deploy and then send an email using Office 365 CLI Runscript action.

name: SPFx CICD with O365 CLI

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        node-version: [10.x]
    # Office 365 cli login action
    - name: Login to tenant
      uses: pnp/action-cli-login@v1.0.0
        ADMIN_USERNAME:  ${{ secrets.adminUsername }}
        ADMIN_PASSWORD:  ${{ secrets.adminPassword }}
    # Office 365 CLI runscript action option 1 (single line of script as input)
    - name: Send email
      uses: pnp/action-cli-runscript@v1.0.0
        O365_CLI_SCRIPT: o365 spo mail send --webUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/teamsite --to 'user@contoso.onmicrosoft.com' --subject 'Deployment done' --body '<h2>Office 365 CLI</h2> <p>The deployment is complete.</p> <br/> Email sent via Office 365 CLI GitHub Action.'
    # Office 365 CLI runscript action option 2 (script file as input)
    - name: Create lists
      uses: pnp/action-cli-runscript@v1.0.0
        O365_CLI_SCRIPT_PATH: ./script/lists.ps1 
        #lists.ps1 will have all the required Office 365 CLI commands

Self-hosted runners

If self-hosted runners are used for running the workflow, then please make sure that they have PowerShell or bash installed on them.

Release notes


  • Added inital 'Office 365 CLI runscript' GitHub action solving #2