
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MiniLazyload npm

A tiny library for image, iframe and background lazyloading.


  • small size (under 1kB gzipped)
  • support for responsive images and placeholders
  • convenient usage of native lazyload with library support

HTML import

If you want to directly import minified script to your HTML, you can do that with this piece of code:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/minilazyload@2.3.3/dist/minilazyload.min.js"></script>


npm i minilazyload --save


Using this library is actually easy and straightforward. Start with importing this library to your script:

import MiniLazyload from "minilazyload";

Then just simply instantiate MiniLazyload:

new MiniLazyload();

Constructor parameters

Constructor takes three parameters and all of them could be omitted.

  • options
  • selector
  • override


In first parameter you can define object with some properties which then will be used for IntersectionObserver.

  • rootMargin
  • threshold
  • placeholder
  • onload


Root margin is useful when you want load images within some "buffer zone". This means, if you set rootMargin to 500px then images in the current viewport and also images up to 500px from each side will be loaded. Since the value of this parameter is directly passed to IntersectionObserver you can use either px or %.

new MiniLazyload({
    rootMargin: "500px"


If you want to load image when the certain part of image is in the current viewport then you can use threshold. For example when image has to be loaded if the half of the image is visible in the viewport:

new MiniLazyload({
    rootMargin: "500px",
    threshold: .5


Placeholder is one out of two parameters what doesn't work with IntersectionObserver whatsoever. When the error event occurs on your image and placeholder is defined, then library will change src in your image to your placeholder src in order to load a placeholder image.

new MiniLazyload({
    rootMargin: "500px",
    threshold: .5,
    placeholder: "https://imgplaceholder.com/420x320/ff7f7f/333333/fa-image"


To onload you can pass your own callback which then will be called on each image when it's actually loaded.

new MiniLazyload({
    rootMargin: "500px",
    threshold: .5,
    placeholder: "https://imgplaceholder.com/420x320/ff7f7f/333333/fa-image"
    onload: image => image.style.border = "10px dashed #000"


By default this library selects elements with attribute loading which equals to "lazy".

Before version 2.0.0

Please be aware library selects only images and iframes.

Default selector equals to:

"img[loading=lazy], iframe[loading=lazy]"
From version 2.0.0 onwards

Library selects no longer only images and iframes. I've made decision to make this library more flexible.

Default selector:


You can change this default selector, just pass your own selector instead as a second parameter.

new MiniLazyload({
    rootMargin: "500px",
    threshold: .5,
    placeholder: "https://imgplaceholder.com/420x320/ff7f7f/333333/fa-image"
}, ".lazyload"); 

// <= 1.0.8: img.lazyload, iframe.lazyload
// >= 2.0.0: .lazyload


This is third and final parameter. MiniLazyload wasn't executed in browsers with native lazyload support by default up to version 2.3.0, since Chrome is already shipped with this feature. You can use MiniLazyload.IGNORE_NATIVE_LAZYLOAD flag to ignore native lazyloading and use MiniLazyload regardless.

new MiniLazyload({
    rootMargin: "500px",
    threshold: .5,
    placeholder: "http://via.placeholder.com/300x200"
}, ".lazyload", MiniLazyload.IGNORE_NATIVE_LAZYLOAD);

From version 2.3.0 on you can safely omit this parameter and MiniLazyload will use native lazyloading where it's possible (Chrome 76+).

Instance methods


You can use this method when you re-render your DOM for example, this method adds everything necessary for new elements.

const lazyload = new MiniLazyload({}, ".lazyload");

// somewhere else



Both src and srcset attributes are supported and srcset is supported with images, but also with descendants of picture element which has data-srcset attribute. You need to add to your elements data attribute either data-src or data-srcset. For background lazyloading use data-bg attribute and for class lazyloading use data-lazy-class.

    <source media="(min-width: 540px)" data-srcset="https://something.domain/some-image.jpg">
    <img data-src="https://something.domain/some-image2.jpg" alt="" class="lazyload">
<img data-srcset="https://something.domain/some-image.jpg 540w,
                  https://something.domain/some-image2.jpg 768w" alt="" class="lazyload"
<img data-src="https://something.domain/some-image.jpg" alt="" class="lazyload">
<div data-bg="https://something.domain/some-image.jpg" class="lazyload"></div>
<div data-lazy-class="some-class" class="lazyload"></div>