PicoTemp software for Raspberry Pi Pico
PicoTemp measures the temperature thanks to a DHT11 sensor and returns it in the form of a web service that can be consulted by other applications or systems
- Buttons support to switch off
LEDsscreen and system - Screen support... which reminds me...
- ... buy an screen, like this one
- Way to restore screen manager thread if crashs
- Better GMT correction handling
- DST handling
- Way to restore WiFi connection
Asynchronous web server
- Better DHT11 / DHT22 sensors alternance algorithm
- DHT22 sensor support New smaller icons New layout
- 'LED' pin is bugged
- 'I am alive' LED support
- Functions refactoring
- Support for multiple DHT11 sensors
- Some optimizations
- Better lib organization
- Initial GMT time correction
- Code quality
- Screen support
- Buttons support
- Micropython does not have ExitStatus library
- Documentation
- Codacy badge
- Code quality
- Various optimizations
- Pre-existent work
- To-do list
- .gitignore file
- README.md file
- To the official MicroPython documentation, for obvious reasons
- To the Waveshare Wiki, for the documentation available
- Error icon
- Server icon
- Thermometer icon
- WiFi icon