
Simple wordpress made with vue

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Share box


Route HTTP Header(s) Body Description
/users GET none none Get all users data
/users POST none name: String (REQUIRED), email: String (REQUIRED), password: String (REQUIRED), birthday: Date, aboutMe: String, image: file Create new user (manual) & generate jwt
/users/gooSign POST none id_token: String (REQUIRED) Create new user (google) and generate jwt
/users/login POST none email:String (REQUIRED), password:String (REQUIRED) generate jwt
/users PUT token name: String , email: String , password: String , birthday: Date, aboutMe: String, image: file Update user data
/users DELETE token none Delete user
/users/me GET token none Get logged in user info


Route HTTP Header(s) Body Description
/aricles GET token none Get all articles
/aricles POST token title: String (REQUIRED), category: String, briefDesc: String (REQUIRED), content: String (REQUIRED), image: file (REQUIRED), tag: String Create a new article
/aricles/:id GET token none Get one article data
/aricles/music/:id PUT token music: file (REQUIRED) Upload article music
/aricles/:id PUT token title: String, category: String, briefDesc: String, content: String, image: file, tag: String Update article data
/aricles/:id/like PUT token none Update article like
/aricles/:id DELETE token none Delete article


Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed in your computer, and then run these commands:

$ npm install
$ npm run dev

And don't forget to fill the .env file

Link Server:

Link deploy: http://sharebox.veneciac.xyz/