
Desktop implemetation of venice en C++ and QT

Primary LanguageC++


Desktop implemetation of venice en C++ and QT


  • QMake version 3.1 or higher
  • Qt version 5.12.8 or higher
  • Make version 4.2.1 or higher

Pre-requisites Installation in Ubuntu 22.04

  • For installing QT et QMake with related Bluetooth dependencies :
sudo apt install qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake qtconnectivity5 cmake
  • If you find the issue Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'g++' you can also install build-essential
sudo apt install build-essential

Build via the CLI

  • Create a directory build on the project directory
mkdir build
cd build
  • Execute the following commands:
qmake ../venice-qt.pro

Run via the CLI

  • Execute the following command:
sudo ./venice-qt
  • sudo privileges are required in order to access the Bluetooth adapter


  • Service advertising is based on this library.

  • qtconnectivity5-dev is required.

  • The current version only allows the advertising of the Venice File Service Exchange.

  • You need to use a USB dongle Bluetooth. Currently, the internal Bluetooth adapter is not detected.

    • To execute a local test by using Android Studio:
    • Flutter 3.13.9 is required. Flutter 3.16 and 3.19 produces an error : file too long error if the hard disk is encrypted.
  • To execute a local test by using Android Studio:

    • Flutter 3.13.9 is required. Flutter 3.16 and 3.19 produces an error : file too long error if the hard disk is encrypted.
    • For install SDK Android packages via Android Studio : tools->Android SDK Manager and to look on the tabs the available packages
    • To avoid Error: A value of type 'List<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Uint8List
      • Take a look here
        • Files to modify with the line Uint8List.fromList(data.toString().codeUnits);:
          • Dart Packages:
            • ble_bootstrap_channel-XXXX
            • ble_bootstrap_channel
            • views/copypaste/sender_view.dart