1. Download the box file from the below location:

link screenshot of the link

  1. Now go to the place where you have downloaded the box file and
  vagrant box add <box-name> <downloaded file name>

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  1. We can check the box which we have added by:
  vagrant box list

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  1. We need to create a vagrant file. Vagrant file hold the information about the VM which we going to create. Ex: IP, RAM, Hostname.
  vagrant init <box-name>

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  1. Now if check the directory you are in there will be a file created in the name of Vagrantfile. We need to edit this file.
  vim Vagrantfile
  1. Now add hostname, configure your desired IP and change the value of RAM from 1024 to 2048 and add the ip.

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  1. Now save the file, and
  vagrant up; vagrant ssh

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