Review Assignment Due Date

Project Assignment: Zomato Restaurant Listing & Searching

Key Use Cases

Data Loading

Create an independent script to load the Zomato restaurant data available here into a database.

Web API Service

Develop a web API service with the following endpoints to serve the content loaded in the previous step:

  • Get Restaurant by ID: Retrieve details of a specific restaurant by its ID.
  • Get List of Restaurants: Fetch a list of restaurants with pagination support.

User Interface

Develop a web application with the following pages, which must connect to the web API service:

  • Restaurant List Page: Display a list of restaurants. Clicking on a restaurant should navigate the user to the restaurant's detail page.
  • Restaurant Detail Page: Show details of a specific restaurant.

Additional Use Cases (Optional)

If time allows, implement the following additional features, ensuring they are supported in both the API and the UI:

  • Filtering Options:
    • By Country
    • By Average Spend for Two People
    • By Cuisines
  • Search Functionality: Enable search for restaurants by name and description.