Employee Management System Database

Hello There, It is a simple university project of database course. I have made a simple UI and basic SQL commands to make this project. Created with help of YouTube, Google, GitHub, Stack Overflow, free templates on the internet and so on.

This site features:

Admin Panel:

  • Different Login system for Admin and Employees.
  • Admin can add new employees, Assign individual Porjects, Check Salary, Check Staus of projects, Mark the projects.
  • Leaderboard gets updated upon providing the marks.
  • According to the marks employees get bonus over the base salary.

User Panel:

  • Check the leaderboard, Due projects and salary.
  • Can view own profile and update the basic infos.
  • Submit the project.
  • Apply for leave.

Languages used for this projects are:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • My SQL

ER Diagram and Relational Schema is also provided as PDF's.

Istallation Guide:

  1. Clone the whole repository to your localhost folder.
  2. Launch XAMPP (or any other similar service) and start Apache, My SQL
  3. Goto phpmyadmin and create a database named 370project and then import the file named 370project.sql
  4. Then launch the site.

Login Info:

Admin Panel:

ID: admin

Pass: ~

User Panel:

ID: User's Email Address

Pass: 1234 (By Default, User can change if they wish)