Krishi Pragya harnesses the power of smart irrigation to boost water efficiency through predictive and adaptive technologies. By offering data-driven insights and innovative tools, Krishi Pragya empowers farmers to optimize water usage, ensuring sustainable and productive agriculture.
- Frontend:
- Backend:
- Video:
- Hardware code:
Watch a quick overview of the WearBloom platform:
Click the image to watch the video!
- React (with Vite) – A fast and lightweight framework for building UI.
- Tailwind CSS – A utility-first CSS framework for responsive and modern styling.
- Leaflet Map – A dynamic mapping plugin for visualizing geographic data and locations.
- Zod – A TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.
- Axios – A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.
- Django – A robust Python framework for backend logic and API management.
- Django REST Framework – Extends Django to support RESTful API architecture.
- PostgreSQL – A powerful, open-source object-relational database system for handling data storage and management.
- Render – A cloud platform for deploying web services and APIs.