
A simple tool that generates static meshes from .spt files and saves them as .fbx

Primary LanguageC++


A simple tool that generates static meshes from .spt files and saves them as .fbx. The release version supports speed trees up to version 4.1

Download: GitHub - Spt2Fbx.zip


Drag & drop a folder or an .spt on the Spt2Fbx.exe. The program will save .fbx files next to .spt sources. Make sure SpeedTreeRT.dll is in the same folder with the Spt2Fbx.exe

Custom mesh data:

  • uv set 0: diffuse texture coordinates
  • uv set 1: leaf card width, height
  • uv set 2: leaf card position x, y
  • uv set 3: leaf card position z, leaf dimming
  • uv set 4: leaf card pivot u, v

Example of a UE4 leaf material: ScreenShot1


You will need third party libs:

  • SpeedTreeRT SDK 4.1
  • FbxSdk
  • dirent

Depending on the version of SpeedTree you will need Visual Studio 2005 or 2008