Guestlogix Inc.
Technical Test forApplicant Coding Challenge
- Code is separated into multiple modules
- core-sdk
- episode-sdk
- demo
- To Test
./gradlew clean testDebugUnitTest
- SOLID Principles
- Coding Standards
- Architecture
- Unit Tests
- Git
- Gradle Setup
- Git Flow
- Git Rebase
- Git Squash
- Git Verified Commits
- Git Release Tags
- T.D.D
- Documentation
- Inline Comments
- Modular
- Scalable
- UI Tests
- Mock API Calls
- Code Coverage
- Setup CI
- Sonarqube/CodeClimate
Clean Up
- Application Class
What is the test?
- Build a mobile application that displays a list of Rick and Morty episodes.
- On click of an episode, display a list characters in that episode.
- Split list into dead or alive (you're free to decide how to implement this split)
- Sort the list in the order of creation date.
- On click of a character, display detail page showing the character's picture and other informations.
- Bonus points (not mandatory) -> Add functionality to kill a character.
- Feel free to impress us with your out of the box thinking. Hint: To kill a character swipe, CTA, long press etc.
- When a character dies, then everything should update accordingly.
User Story
- First screen will have a list of episodes.
- If the user taps into an episode the app has to display a list of characters with a clear distinction between dead and alive characters
- If the user taps into a character the app has to display that character's information and picture
- Bonus functionality: The user should have the ability to kill a character and if a character gets kill the character lists should update accordingly
The application cab be done in Java (No Kotlin). Otherwise, you have complete freedom in terms of how you implement the solution, as long as all user requirements are met.
Note however, that no third party libraries may be used. You can use any native tools available to you from the platform, but no open sourced, or third party libraries.