Various technical assets in support of CSPR node integrations.
What is casper-integrations ?
JSON-RPC, REST & SSE node api documentation & example code;
typical integration workflow sample code;
links to technical articles and the such like;
a set of use case end to end solutions;
Why casper-integrations ?
There is a significant requirement to streamline CSPR network integrations by developers, exchanges, wallets, validators ...etc. It's goal is to streamline client side experience of interacting with a casper node.
Who uses casper-integrations ?
Software engineers. Validators. Testers.
How to run Javascript examples ?
- Setup:
cd YOUR_WORKING_DIRECTORY/casper-integrations
npm install
- Import environment variables:
NOTE - if you wish to override them then simply make a copy of the file, and then edit and import the copy instead.
- Run node-api example:
node YOUR_WORKING_DIRECTORY/casper-integrations/node-api/<example-name>/request.js
- Run erc20 example:
node YOUR_WORKING_DIRECTORY/casper-integrations/contracts/erc20/<script-name>.js