
Miscellaneous plugins and tools for Yarn.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Yarn VTools

Miscellaneous tools and plugins for Yarn.

Plugin: yarn-vtools-plugin

General plugin for functionality too minor to deserve its own package yet.


  1. Copy the Packages/yarn-vtools-plugin/Dist folder, and paste it into your project's .yarn/plugins folder, as yarn-vtools-plugin.

  2. Modify your .yarnrc.yml file to contain:

    - .yarn/plugins/yarn-vtools-plugin/index.js
  3. Create a YVTConfig.[js/cjs/mjs] file in your repo-root (ie. working-directory when running yarn), with a config export.

    Example: (see source code for all options, defined using TS interfaces)

    exports.config = {
    	"dependencyOverrideGroups": [...]

Feature: Conditional version/protocol overrides for dependencies

  1. Add info to config:

    config.dependencyOverrideGroups = [
    		// you can change the versions/protocols of direct-dependencies here
    		overrides_forSelf: {
    			"directDepA": "directDepA@1.0.0",
    			"directDepB": "directDepA@^1.0.0",
    			"directDepC": "link:../../../@Modules/directDepB"
    		// and for nested subdependencies here (not tested much yet)
    		overrides_forDeps: {
    			"directDepD": {
    				dependencies: {"subDepA": "subDepA@1.0.0"},
    				peerDependencies: {"subDepB": "subDepB@1.0.0"},
    				peerDependenciesMeta: {"subDepB": {"optional": true}}
    	// conditional overrides also work; just use javascript/nodejs conditionals like usual
    	process.env.MYPROJECT_USER == "bob" && {
    		overrides_forSelf: {
    			"depA": `link:../../bob's/path/to/depA`
    	process.env.MYPROJECT_USER == "alice" && {
    		overrides_forSelf: {
    			"depA": `link:/alice's/path/to/depA`
  2. Profit. Future yarn-installs will run the config-getter script, read the list of overrides, overwrite its in-memory descriptors (ie. protocol, version, etc.) with those found in the overrides list, and then proceed with using those descriptors to install your project's dependencies.