
Ein Spiel, in welchem man QR-Codes suchen und einscannen muss um Punkte zu sammeln.

Primary LanguagePHP


Qitsune is a Laravel 5.5 Application with which you can Play a game

Build Status StyleCI Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

Qitsune built on
Built on Laravel 5.6
Uses MySQL Database
Uses Artisan to manage database migration, schema creations, and create/publish page controller templates
Dependencies are managed with COMPOSER
Laravel Scaffolding User and Administrator Authentication.
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) User Management
Makes us of Password Strength Meter
Makes use of hideShowPassword
User Roles/ACL Implementation
Makes of Laravel's Soft Delete Structure
Soft Deleted Users Management System
Permanently Delete Soft Deleted Users
User Delete Account with Goodbye email
User Restore Deleted Account Token
Restore Soft Deleted Users
View Soft Deleted Users
Captures Soft Delete Date
Captures Soft Delete IP
Admin Routing Details UI
Admin PHP Information UI
Eloquent user profiles
User Themes
404 Page
403 Page
User Delete with Goodby email
User Restore Deleted Account
Activity Logging using Laravel-logger

Installation Instructions

  1. Run git clone https://github.com/jeremykenedy/laravel-auth.git laravel-auth
  2. Create a MySQL database for the project
    • mysql -u root -p, if using Vagrant: mysql -u homestead -psecret
    • create database laravelAuth;
    • \q
  3. From the projects root run cp .env.example .env
  4. Configure your .env file
  5. Run composer update from the projects root folder
  6. From the projects root folder run:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles &&
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel2step
  1. From the projects root folder run sudo chmod -R 755 ../laravel-auth
  2. From the projects root folder run php artisan key:generate
  3. From the projects root folder run php artisan migrate
  4. From the projects root folder run composer dump-autoload
  5. From the projects root folder run php artisan db:seed
  6. Compile the front end assets with npm steps or yarn steps.

Build the Front End Assets with Mix

Using NPM:
  1. From the projects root folder run npm install
  2. From the projects root folder run npm run dev or npm run production
  • You can watch assets with npm run watch
Using Yarn:
  1. From the projects root folder run yarn install
  2. From the projects root folder run yarn run dev or yarn run production
  • You can watch assets with yarn run watch
And thats it with the caveat of setting up and configuring your development environment. I recommend Laravel Homestead


Seeded Roles
  • Unverified - Level 0
  • User - Level 1
  • Administrator - Level 5
Seeded Permissions
  • view.users
  • create.users
  • edit.users
  • delete.users


Authentication Routes

  • /login
  • /logout
  • /register
  • /password/email
  • /password/reset
  • /activate
  • /activate/{token}
  • /activation-required
  • /re-activate/{token}

Profile Routes

  • /profile/{username}
  • /profile/{username}/edit <- Editing in this view is limited to current user only.

Admin User Management Routes

  • /users
  • /users/create
  • /users/{user_id}
  • /users{user_id}/edit

Admin Theme Routes

  • /themes
  • /themes/create
  • /themes/{theme_id}
  • /themes/{theme_id}/edit

Admin Tools Routes

  • /logs
  • /phpinfo
  • /routes

Admin Soft Deleted Users Management Routes

  • /users/deleted
  • /users/deleted/{user_id}

Activity Log Routes

  • /activity
  • /activity/cleared
  • /activity/log/{id}
  • /activity/cleared/log/{id}