
Jenkins pipeline for AOSP

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT

Jenkins Pipeline for AOSP

Powered By Jenkins

"This repository is a Jenkins shared library"


System Packages

The following packages must be installed on the system on which the pipepline will run (the Jenkins master or any slave):

  • bash
  • git
  • nohup
  • repo

Jenkins Plugins

This is the list of plugin's shortnames:

How to use it ?

Importing and using this pipeline (or shared library) can be performed from a script which will be interpreted by Jenkins. That script can be written in two ways:

It is generally considered a best practice to create a Jenkinsfile and check the file into the source control repository.

Import the shared library

To import this shared library, write the following piece of code at the beginning of the script (or before using the pipeline):

library identifier: '@test', retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    credentialsId: '<private-key-id>',
    remote: 'https://git.smile.fr/ecs-ci/jenkins-pipeline-aosp.git',

The credentialsId parameter is an ID which refers to one of your credentials in Jenkins whose users need permissions to use it (see the credential table in the web UI: Jenkins > Credentials).

Use the pipeline

Add the following code to the script and complete it:

env = [

withEnv(env) {
    aospPipeline {
        doClean         = true
        manifestUrl     = "<git@git.domain.com:user/repository>"
        repoBranch      = "<repo-branch-name>"
        targetProduct   = "<target-name>" // ex: "aosp_x86_64"
        buildVariant    = "eng"           // ex: "user" or "userdebug"
        ccacheEnabled   = true
        ccacheSize      = "50G"
        jobCpus         = 4

The withEnv expression injects the env Map's variables into the Jenkins environment which enables the pipeline to read them. The pipeline requires the NODE_LABEL environment variable which will instruct Jenkins to execute the pipeline on a specific agent/node.

See also

For more details about arguments and options, look at the:


Pipeline's stages

  1. Preparation (pre-pipeline);
  2. SCM - downloading the sources with repo;
  3. Build - building the AOSP;
  4. Static Analysis - only on the building's output not the sources;
  5. Unit Tests - using the Android CTS;
  6. SonarQube - send static analysis, unit testing and coverage results;
  7. Post (post-pipeline).


  • Skip some stages as you please, using the skipStages option (ex: skip "SCM" and "Build" stages):
aospPipeline {
    skipStages = [
        scm   : true,
        build : true