
Python library for processing VIIRS data

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


viirs-tools is a Python library that provides basic algorithms for retrieving meteorological data from VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) satellite shots. This project started as a diploma (or thesis) project, and the primary goals of the viirs-tools library are threefold:

  1. Faster Data Processing: The library aims to make the process of working with VIIRS data much quicker than the standard NASA approach. The goal is to provide near-real-time (NRT) data processing capabilities, allowing researchers and scientists to access and analyze the data in a more timely manner. However, it's important to note that this speed improvement may come at the cost of reduced accuracy, as the library's algorithms may not be as thoroughly tested and validated as the NASA's standard processing pipeline.

  2. Easier VIIRS Data Utilization: In addition to the speed improvements, the library is designed to make it easier for researchers and scientists to work with VIIRS data.

  3. Flexible Data Handling: One of the key aims of the viirs-tools library is to provide users with handy access to the underlying algorithms, allowing them to work with the data in a variety of formats, including xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray, and np.ndarray. This flexibility ensures that the library can be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of data processing workflows.


To install viirs-tools, you can use pip:

 pip install viirs-tools 

If you want to use the Assimilator extra module, which allows you to download data from NASA servers:

pip install viirs-tools[assimilator]

Note that this module functions rely on the cmrfetch package, you need to install and configure it first.


The viirs-tools library provides the following core modules and their main functions:

  1. CloudMask:

    • rsnpp_day_img: Day reflectance/thermal I-bands cloud test. 1
    • fire_day_img, fire_night_img: Day and night I-bands cloud tests used in the 2.
  2. NightMask:

    • naive: Day/night mask, based on the difference between presence of reflectance and thermal data, for both I- and M-bands
  3. Water:

    • water_bodies_day: Day reflectance tests for water bodies from 2
  4. LST:

    • mono_window_i05, mono_window_m16, mono_window_m15: LST retrieval for I05 band, based on the LANDSAT-8 alg 3
  5. Fires:

    • active_fires: Active fire detection from 2
  6. Utils:

    • Just some helpful functions
  7. Assimilator submodule:

    1. Assimilator:
      • assimilate: Retrieving data from NASA archives using cmrfetch, with support for handy data collection process management
    2. Reading
    3. ReadingHelpers
      • Contains some helper functions for reading files that aren't supported by SatPy module (some examples of using them in the previous module)


You can find demo Qt6 app in the viirs-demo folder. Note that it requires additional packages to be installed installed - rasterio, matplotlib, PyQt6 and TensorFlow. Run viirs-demo.py to start it. Data for this demo can be found in the demo-data folder.

Additional tools

In the scripts folder you can find useful tools for local satellite data analysis, such assimilate.py script. It was used for gathering data in the demo-data folder.




  2. W.Schroeder, P.Oliva, L.Giglio, I.A.Csiszar (2014). The New VIIRS 375 m active fire detection data product: Algorithm description and initial assessment. 2 3

  3. U.Avdan, G.Jovanovska (2016). Algorithm for Automated Mapping of Land Surface Temperature Using LANDSAT 8 Satellite Data