
Client Routes

The following guide explains the routes available to Ledgible OAuth clients for interaction with the Ledgible API, including required query parameters and URL formats.

Route Format Description

Example: https://data-sandbox.ledgible.io/request/kraken?user_id=abc123&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmydomain.com%2Fcallback&client_id=abc123&state=xyz123&appId=app12345

Required Query Parameters:
user_id - unique identifier of the user
redirect_uri - encoded callback URI for the client making the request, must match OAuth profile
client_id - client ID associated with the client making the request

Optional Query Parameters
appId - optional application ID that matches application details supplied to Ledgible, including application name, custom text and/or theme colors. If not set, will default to generic text/theme
state - optional state string to be returned to the requesting application upon successful auth code redirect
Opens request flow for a given exchange, prompts user to acknowledge data-handling requirements and proceed to respective credential-entry or OAuth flow.

Example: https://data-sandbox.ledgible.io/auth/kraken/update?user_id=abc123&token=ushDYwhad7d7999shdesjaa&data_source_id=373c4c01-b9b7-43a2-b0e5-e524927b627a&state=xyz123&appId=app12345

Required Query Parameters:
user_id - unique identifier of the user
token - valid OAuth access token provided by Ledgible
data_source_id - Ledgible system identifier for the specific data source to be updated

Optional Query Parameters
appId - optional application ID that matches application details supplied to Ledgible, including application name, custom text and/or theme colors. If not set, will default to generic text/theme
state - optional state string to be returned to the requesting application upon successful auth code redirect
Opens update flow for an existing data source tied to a specific user. If api-based, will ask user to input updated credentials. For OAuth exchanges, it will immediately trigger an OAuth flow to update the user's stored credentials.

Collection for Insomnia / Postman


Oauth Client Flow

OAuth Client Flow - Create Exchange