This is an exercise I have implemented to practice what I have learnt at the SUSE Cloud Native Foundations Scholarship (SCNFS).
You can check out this small presentation I did in Genially about the project:
The project simulates a travel planning web app, where you select number of passengers, the destination where you want to go and the travelling dates, and it returns a list of available hotels. Once you have chosen a hotel, it lets you select a departing airport (from the closest airports to the ip accessing the service) and an arriving airport (from the closest airports to the selected hotel). Once you have selected both airports, you can retrieve information about the cheapest flights to go there.
Bear in mind this is a rough demo. In a real application you would display more information, calculate prices propertly etc. The main goal in my case was to develop a set of microservices that can be deployed using Github Actions, that can be configured with secrets, that communicate with each other. I did not want to implement simply an extended Hello World, so I did this.
All the services, so far, have been implemented using Java 16 / Spring Boot because that's the most familiar framework to me. This way it was easier for me to create all services, externalise the configuration, use secrets
It is implemented following the Microservice architecture, so the service is divided in three pieces:
- The Travel Planner UI, the customer facing interface that calls the other microservices to get the data.
- The Airport Finder service, that returns a list of closest airport to an IP or a given position.
- The HB Hotel Finder service, that returns the available destinations to choose from and a list of available hotels and their prices given some criteria.
- The SkyScanner Flight Finder service, that returns the flight information to travel to the selected airport, close to the selected hotel, and back.
All pieces are published as docker images in my Docker Hub space. The images are created using GitHub Actions on request.
If you want to test it yourself, you'll need to have a couple of free accounts:
- An account for the MaxMind GeoIP2 service - see
- An account for the Apitude API at the Hotelbeds Developer Portal - see
- An account for the Skyscanner Flight Search API at the RapidAPI site - see
Once you have vagrant up & running using the Vagrantfile in the home directory and you have k3s installed (installation instructions here ), follow these steps:
Note: There is a bug in Windows with Hypervisor & K3s so until is is solved, you should install version v1.20.7+k3s1 with curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=v1.20.7+k3s1 sh
Move to the /vagrant/deployment
kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f scnfs-secrets.yaml
- MaxMind GeoIP2 secrets: Create a file named geoip2.account-id with the id, and another one named geoip2.license-key with the license key, of your MaxMind GeoIP2 service account.
- Hotelbed secrets: Create a file named hotelbeds.api-key and another one named hotelbeds.shared-secret and fill them up with your Apitude license data from the Hotelbeds Developer site.
- SkyScanner secrets: Create a file named skyscanner.key and another one named and fill them up with your SkyScanner API authentication data from the RapidAPI site.
No worries, git is configured to ignore those files so they won't be added to the source repository.
Run the following command to patch the secrets with theauthentication data:
kubectl create secret generic scnfs-secrets --save-config --dry-run=client --from-file=./geoip2.account-id --from-file=./geoip2.license-key --from-file=./hotelbeds.api-key --from-file=./hotelbeds.shared-secret --from-file=./skyscanner.key --from-file=./ -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f airport-finder-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f airport-finder-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f hb-hotel-finder-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f hb-hotel-finder-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f skyscanner-flight-finder-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f skyscanner-flight-finder-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f travel-planner-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f travel-planner-service.yaml
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=scnfs-demo
alias affindpod='POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=airport-finder -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")'
alias hbfindpod='POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=hb-hotel-finder -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")'
alias skfindpod='POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=skyscanner-flight-finder -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")'
alias tpfindpod='POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=travel-planner -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")'
tpfindpod;kubectl port-forward po/$POD --address 7777:7777
After that you should be able to access the Travel Planner Demo at as is the IP of the Vagrant machine.
kubectl get all
affindpod;kubectl describe po $POD
hbfindpod;kubectl describe po $POD
skfindpod;kubectl describe po $POD
tpfindpod;kubectl describe po $POD
affindpod;kubectl logs --follow $POD
hbfindpod;kubectl logs --follow $POD
skfindpod;kubectl logs --follow $POD
tpfindpod;kubectl logs --follow $POD
affindpod;kubectl exec --stdin --tty $POD -- /bin/bash
hbfindpod;kubectl exec --stdin --tty $POD -- /bin/bash
skfindpod;kubectl exec --stdin --tty $POD -- /bin/bash
tpfindpod;kubectl exec --stdin --tty $POD -- /bin/bash
kubectl delete -f airport-finder-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f airport-finder-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f hb-hotel-finder-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f hb-hotel-finder-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f skyscanner-flight-finder-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f skyscanner-flight-finder-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f travel-planner-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f travel-planner-service.yaml
You first need to have ArgoCD installed and reachable from your host, as explained in the course material or following the ArgoCD installation instructions.
Assuming you are already inside Vagrant with ssh:
cd /vagrant
kubectl apply -f argocd-helm-scnfs-demo.yaml
Login to the ArgoCD interface and synchronise just the namespace and the secrets elements
cd deployment
kubectl create secret generic scnfs-secrets --save-config --dry-run=client --from-file=./geoip2.account-id --from-file=./geoip2.license-key --from-file=./hotelbeds.api-key --from-file=./hotelbeds.shared-secret --from-file=./skyscanner.key --from-file=./ -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
In the ArgoCD interface, synchronise the rest of the elements. DO NOT synchronise the secrets again or it will lose the secrets you just configured.