
Simple scripts to automate Sber Cat coins fetching && kotans charging for work

Primary LanguagePython

Auto Sber Cat

Well, this a scripts bunch to automate SberCat app at VKontakte Usage:

  1. Install poetry for python

  2. Clone repo to any place you want

  3. Rename .env.local file to .env

  4. Open Dev console while at VK app page, that in Network tab find request like https://sbercat-shelter.ru-prod2.kts.studio/api/user/auth?XXX. Open its response, copy token value and past as SBERCAT_APP_TOKEN

  5. Install dependencies and activate virtual environment

    poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
    poetry env use 3.10
    source .venv/bin/activate
    poetry install
    export $(cat .env | xargs)
  6. Run and check if your kotany really updated

    python -m app.SberCatClient
  7. If yes - create kinda of cron or whatever you want to run this cript inside venv

Future improvements:

  • Background scheduler based on celery / threads
  • Autobuy of new employers if available
  • Pizza & wall sticker autobuy to speed up kotans
  • Money auto transfer to private card to increase money income with payday
  • Add pool of clients to work over several accounts
  • Auto token renew by vk oauth