SC2 Scrapbook

What is it?

It helps organize your SC2 builds, and gives you a cool overlay to boot.

What do I need to run it?
- Windows (sorry Mac users)
- .NET Framework 4.0

Any more useful stuff?

Build orders:

TL thread:

Source code:


New: You can import SALT builds from
New: The default builds have been updated for LotV (shamelessly stolen from
Fix: In-game detection has been updated for Patch 3.1.4

Fix: The web crawler now works with the 1.5 updates.
Fix: Stopped the auto-updaters using cached results.

Fix: Using a new auto-update site.

Fix: Fixed an issue that caused some users to get file in use errors when rendering builds.

Fix: Fixed the in-game build selector not actually remembering your race.

Fix: Fixed the Remember Race option in the configuration window.

New: Added the ability to import sharecodes manually via an icon above the Script textbox.
New: Added an option to remember your own race for the in-game build selection window.
New: Added a reset button to the in-game build selection window.
Fix: Fixed sc2bo:// protocol importing.
Fix: The unique ID of a build will be changed when changes are made to the build.
Fix: The position of the main window will no longer persist between sessions. This
     should fix the issue that caused people to have to delete their config to load
     the application.

Fix: Fixed hotkey settings not saving to the config file.

New: Added wallpaper creator. Builds can be dragged from the build order list on to the 
     creator window. There is also a resource viewer for adding built in resources or 
     external images.

New: Added hotkey support for overlay toggling.
New: Changed the way the build overlay works in preparation for the wallpaper generator.
     This should also increase performance a little.
New: Added a character selection box to the options page.
Fix: Text is now aligned to the middle of images within the build overlay.

New: Added Unit, Building and Upgrade icon support.
New: Added image scale selection to the options page (0 = no scaling).

Fix: Fixed some issues with SC2 interaction.
Fix: Fixed interface disappearing issues.

Known Issues:
1. The overlays can causes an FPS drop on some systems. It is not majorly 
   noticable unless you are actively looking at the FPS count or have dated

   I'm not 100% sure about the cause, but I'd have to guess it's to do with 
   the method used to ensure you can click through the overlays. There are
   a few solutions that I can think of, but they're all either complex or messy.

1. Add unit and upgrade icons. If anybody could send me these, I'd <3 you.
2. Centralized build database?


New: Changed name to SC2 Scrapbook.
New: Added image support to the build overlay. Images can be added by wrapping
     the code in curly brackets (e.g., {gas}100 - Metabolic Boost).

     These images will be replaced with racial variants by default, but you can
     override the racial variant by prefixing the image code with the race (e.g.,

     The following image codes are currently available as of this release:
New: Added build sharing capabilities via right-click. You can send other
     SC2 Scrapbook users your builds by sending them the Sharecode generated
     by the various sharing options.

     SC2 Scrapbook registers the sc2bo:// protocol to handle Sharecodes.

     Build Order Sharecodes are XML representations of the internal Build
     object with GZip compression and base64 encoding.
New: Added advanced SC2 interaction. These options directly interface with
     the StarCraft II process.

     No data is gathered from the game client except for the IDs of the players
     currently in game. Overlay data is harvested from the website.

     Other applications such as StarInfo for JTV and SC2 XSplit Screen Switcher
     (used by many pros) gather the same data. Although the many users of these
     applications do not face repercussions for doing so, it is still against the
     SC2 EULA and Blizzard can detect and ban their usage at any time if they deem
     it necessary.
New: Added build order selection overlay. Upon game join, the overlay will prompt
     for race selection. After selecting your race and the race of your opponent,
     you will either be shown a list of builds to choose from, or will be given a
     random build if you have enabled random build selection.
New: Added opponent info overlay. Inspired by StarInfo, this option displays an
     overlay of your opponent's League, Rank, Points, Wins, Losses and Main Race
     from their web profile.
New: Added support for web updates of the default build list.
New: Added application update notification.
Fix: Fixed various bugs with the build order list.
Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented updating the same build twice.

New: Initial Release