The StackExchange ÐApp is composed of an Angular 2 (CSS/HTML/TypeScript) front-end and the StackExchangeBounty.sol, an Ethereum smart contract written in solidity.
The StackExchange Bounty ÐApp enables users to set bounties on StackExchange questions. Oraclize will then query StackExchange API sonce a day and update the contract data. When the question creator selects an answer as correct, the contract will pay the bounty to the owner of the selected answer (called winner in the contract code).
The bounty can be send only if the winner has an Ethereum address in the location field of his StackExchange subsite profile. If no address is found, Oraclize will keep querying for an address once a day until the question's expiration date. After that date, if there is no selected answer nor a destination address, the bounty or bounties will be returned to their respective owners.