Asynchronous(mostly) ChatGPT API Wrapper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Wrapper For The ChatGPT API

This module is designed for asynchronous usage and provides a simple interface to the OpenAI ChatGPT API

It also provides a command-line interface for interactive usage.

While it does provide synchronous methods, it is recommended to use the asynchronous methods for better performance.


  • Asynchronous API
  • Get/Stream responses
  • Save/Load session history
  • Change parameters on the fly
  • Embed images in messages
  • Register functions to tool_calls with ease
  • Interactive command-line interface


pip install -U ngptbot


Command Line


gptbot requires a model and an API key to be set.

You can use config file, command parameters or interactive input to set these values.

By default, gptbot will look for files named config.json and session.json in the user config and cache directory.

gptbot -c /path/to/config.json  # Use a config file
gptbot -m "gpt-3.5-turbo"  # Set model, input API key interactively
gptbot -k /path/to/config.json  # create config file


  • -c, --config: Path to a JSON file
  • -m, --model: Model name
  • -k, --create-config: Create a config file interactively
  • -s, --session: Session history file
  • -V, --version: Show version

Precedence: Interactive input > Command parameters > Config file

Interactive Mode

This mode mimics a chat interface. You can type your message and get a response.

Commands are started with a / and are case-sensitive.

  • /exit: Exit the program
  • /save <path>: Save the session history to a file
  • /load <path>: Load a session history from a file
  • /rollback <step>: Rollback to the previous state
  • /clear: Clear the session history
  • /role: Switch role
  • /model: Switch model
  • /tokens: Show used tokens
  • /help: Show help

To embed an image, insert #image(<url>) in your message. Use double # to escape embedding.

await bot.send("""
What are these?

All URLs will be downloaded and embedded as base64-encoded images.


import asyncio
import gptbot

bot = gptbot.Bot(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", api_key="your-api-key")

async def main():
    response = await bot.send("Hello, how are you?")

    async for r in bot.stream("I'm fine, thank you."):
        print(r, end='')

    async for res in bot.stream_raw("What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"):
        stream_raw returns a stream of `FullChunkResponse`.
        It contains all raw data from the API.

    bot.send_sync("Goodbye!")  # Synchronous version of `send`

    # Bot class is stateless, to keep track of the conversation, use the `Session` class
    session = bot.new_session()

    # You can use session just like the bot
    async for r in session.stream("Hello!"):
        print(r, end='')

    print(await session.send("Goodbye!"))


Registering Functions

Functions are under Bot.funcs and can be registered with the add_func decorator.

def my_func(data: str, default:int = 123):  # parameters must be annotated, variadic parameters are not supported
    """Documentation goes here"""
    return data  # return value must be stringifiable