
C++ String formatter

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Fast Format++


A simple and fast implementation for C++

Formatting into string is all it does.


Simple case

ffmt::format("Hello, {}!", "world");  // Hello, world!

Specify the index

ffmt::format("Hello, {1}! {0}", "world", "Hello"); // Hello, world!


ffmt::format("Hello, {1:9}! {0}", 123, 456); // Hello,       456! 123
ffmt::format("{:*^9}", 123); // ***123***
ffmt::format("{:*^9x}", 0xfff); // ***fff***
ffmt::format("{:0^9x}", 0xfff); // '000fff   ' //trailing 0s will change the value, so they are replaced with ' '
ffmt::format("{:>+09}", 123); // +00000123 // '+'/'-' signs are moved to the left when fill char is '0'


ffmt::format("{}", 1.234567); // 1.234567
ffmt::format("{:.e}", 123.456); // 1.234567e2 Force to scientific notation
ffmt::format("{:.2}", 1234567890987654321); // 1.23e+18
ffmt::format("{:.2f}", 1234567890987654321.0); // 1234567890987654321.00 Force to float
ffmt::format("{:<05}", 1.23); // 1.2300  // in this case, it's safe to append 0s

General format string syntax


  • index: The index of the argument to format. It starts from 0.
  • sign: + - Always show sign, - - no sign for non-negative(default).
  • align:
    • > - Right align(default)
    • < - Left align
    • ^ - Center align.
  • fill: The fill character. Default is space.
    • Anything not an Align symbol
    • nor a Sign symbol
    • nor .
    • nor int(except 0, 0 can be put before align or padding, output string will not affect the numeric value of the argument), format identifier may be used.
  • padding: String at least takes this much space. Default is 0.
  • precision: The precision of the argument. Default is 6.
  • format: To specify format only, use {:.[format]} instead of {:[format]} or {[format]}, in {:f}, 'f' will be treated as fill char
    • b - Binary
    • o - Octal
    • d - Decimal
    • x - Hexadecimal
    • e - Scientific notation
    • f - Float
    • p - Pointer
    • default is decimal for int, auto for float(choose f or e based on length and padding settings).

To escape {, use "{{".


Versus fmt::format:

Pure string

Benchmark            Time             CPU   Iterations
ffmt_format        151 ns         87.6 ns      7854519
fmt_format         510 ns          298 ns      2352726


Benchmark            Time             CPU   Iterations
ffmt_format       1044 ns          444 ns      1675920
fmt_format        4192 ns         1703 ns       394154


Benchmark            Time             CPU   Iterations
ffmt_format        387 ns          193 ns      2618041
fmt_format        1329 ns          551 ns      1271178