It's our Computer Graphics final project. There are 5 applications of gesture-operation. Here is video.
All codes are based on x86 Python. Run
pip install requirements.txt
to install dependencies.
Our detection part is made in use of mediapipe
, a frame work to dect human working of google.
Its data is like this.(the data: hand).
{'lmList': [[478, 523, 0], #[x, y, z]
[553, 517, -17],
[612, 494, -17],
[648, 453, -17],
[675, 421, -17],
[595, 419, 12],
[631, 371, 5],
[649, 340, -4],
[664, 312, -12],
[563, 401, 12],
[589, 342, 7],
[604, 305, -6],
[617, 275, -16],
[528, 393, 9],
[548, 338, 0],
[563, 302, -11],
[576, 275, -19],
[488, 393, 3],
[503, 349, -6],
[513, 320, -12],
[525, 294, -15]
'bbox': (478, 275, 197, 248),
'center': (576, 399),
'type': 'Left'
And its map is (in the 'lmList:'), where its axis is [x,y,z], and x is left to right; y is up to the down, and z is inside screen out.
There are 5 demos
See more details in their own
and report in ./report/report.pdf