
Receive a notification if a new comment has been found.

Primary LanguagePython


using the awesome self-hosted gotify.


Sunday-project to receive notifications, if the amount of comments on a nyaa-release has changed.


  • git (for git clone)
  • up and running gotify container and an app-token
  • docker and docker-compose


Clone this GitHub repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/Vernoxvernax/Nyaa-CommentsWatcher.git

Build the docker image:

$ docker build -t depri/nyaa-commentswatcher .

Create the container using the docker-compose.yml file:

$ docker-compose up -d

Edit the config.yml file that has been created in the app folder.

$ docker-compose stop
$ vim config.yml        # "only bitches use nano 😎"
                                - **proceeds to code only in python**
If the container keeps stopping you can temporarily remove the -d flag to get the logs directly into you terminal.

You can obviously run the script outside a docker container, but screens suck and crash, so this method is a lot easier to set up and manage.


  • ONLY WORKS FOR THE FIRST PROFILE-PAGE (nyaa's limitation for the rss feed)
  • The database is created using sqlite3 saving title, url and the amount of comments.
  • The script checks every 10 minutes.


version: '3'
    image: depri/nyaa-commentswatcher
    container_name: nyaa-commentswatcher
    # network_mode: container:wireguard
        # OPTIONAL: To hide your IP, you can use the network of a VPN container.
       - ./app:/usr/src/app/app

Recommended VPN container: linuxserver/docker-wireguard

In the future, I might work on a feature to actually parse the comment to gotify, but currently I don't have much time on my hands, sorry.

... same thing for comments :)

For educational purposes only!

Downloading certain sort of media from nyaa.si may not comply with your country's copyright laws.