This is a demo of Kopf, a framework for Kubernetes operators. The demo itself was prepared for the 2022 talk.
object in Kubernetes -
Operator should start Job corresponding to the PythonApplication object
After Job is finished, Operator should update PythonApplication object with the result
Bring your own Kubernetes cluster. I used
for this demo.minikube start --memory=4096M --cpus=2 --disk-size=20gb --kubernetes-version=v1.24.9 --driver=virtualbox
Create PythonApp CRD
kubectl apply -f deployment/crds.yaml
run the operator locally (in a separate background terminal)
kopf run --verbose
This step may require to create and use Python virtualenv. ( aka
poetry run shell
) -
create PythonApplication object and watch Job resource being created.
kubectl apply -f test-manifests/hello-world.yml -n default
drop PythonApplication object.
kubectl delete -f test-manifests/hello-world.yml -n default
The Job and Pod objects shall disappear too.
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