
Grab the currently playing / last played song from a Last.FM account

Primary LanguagePHP


Grab the currently playing / last played song from a Last.fm account


  • You will need an API key from https://www.last.fm/api - enter this in $key
  • Enter the account username that you'd like to receive the most recent song played for in $user
  • Edit the echo to suit your needs, or leave it as it is to display artwork alongside artist - title with a link to the Last.fm page.



Live example on https://verringer.com


  • Only requires API key and username inputting and is ready to use.
  • Failover to local artwork image if last.fm doesn't have artwork for that song.
  • Artist, Album, Title, Song, URL, Profile & Artwork can all be implemented in to your output.
  • Default output already set (<a href="song"><img src="artwork">Artist - Title</a>)


For this example, the song is Mr. Brightside by The Killers from the album Hot Fuss being scrobbled by the user Verringer - all of these can be used to alter your output to your liking.

Artist: The Killers
Album: Hot Fuss (Deluxe Version
Title: Mr. Brightside
Song: The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Profile: https://www.last.fm/user/verringer
URL: https://www.last.fm/music/The+Killers/_/Mr.+Brightside
Artwork: https://lastfm-img2.akamaized.net/i/u/300x300/a953b1bc98ed42afc2bb0d0ca5a857fc.png