FamsChat Mobile App

Table of Contents


FamsChat Mobile App is Real Time Chat Mobile App for family. This app written in React Native as front-end, Firebase Firestore as back-end with Cloud Messaging as Push Notification. The main features are:

  • Login and Register
  • Realtime Chat
  • Add Family Contact
  • Family Realtime Location
  • Push Notification
  • Firebase Firestore Database
  • Maps Marker with Google Maps
  • Logout


How To Install

  1. Clone this repository

    $ git clone https://github.com/argadeva/FamsChat-ReactNative-Firebase.git
  2. Install all depedencies on the package.json

    $ cd FamsChat-ReactNative-Firebase
    $ npm install
  3. Run Debug

    $ react-native run-android

Release APK