MicroShell SOP

MatiShell Logo


A simple C programme meant to emulate a standard BASH Shell. WARNING: It is prepared to run correclty only on Linux

Programmed as a university project. Has a few quirks and features:

  • a help command which displays a simple overview of its features
  • the cd command which was fully implemented by me
  • an exit command
  • a simple history command (stores the history of your current session) with a buffer, which deletes old entries when it reaches its limit
  • a custom parser written by me which properly handles quotation marks and apostrophes in interpreting commands
  • when you provide it with a command that hasn't been implemented by me, it searches for that command using the $PATH variable and runs it with given arguments once it finds it


To properly configure and run this programme:

  • navigate to this repo on your local machine (using a terminal)
  • enter the microshell directory
  • compile the programme with this command $ gcc -ansi -Wall -o MatiShell main.c
  • now you can run it with $ ./MatiShell

