
Generated JsInterop bindings of Google Maps v3 for GWT and J2CL

Primary LanguageStarlarkApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Generated JsInterop types for J2CL projects to use when interacting with the Google Maps API v3. This project uses the same mechanism as elemental2 to generate its output: jsinterop-generator.


Presently this is not compatible with GWT2, since it uses the @JsEnum annotation, but these may be changed to use constants instead, or support could be added to GWT2 for this feature.


To build this project for maven, make sure you have the correct version of Bazel (see the .bazelversion file for the expected version), and invoke build.sh, then run your desired maven goal in the maven/ directory - probably mvn clean install.

Including this in your project


As with elemental2, you can add this project as a http_archive, and depend on a target to use this in your J2CL project. However, this project modifies how closure-compiler is built (in a way that should remain compatible with elemental2), so please use this project's modified load_elemental2_repo_deps def instead of the one in elemental2. Roughly:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "com_google_elemental2",
    strip_prefix = "elemental2-master",
    url = "https://github.com/google/elemental2/archive/master.zip",
    name = "com_vertispan_gwt_googlemaps",
    strip_prefix = "gwt-googlemaps-api-master",
    url = "https://github.com/Vertispan/gwt-googlemaps-api/archive/master.zip",

load("@com_vertispan_gwt_googlemaps//build_defs:repository.bzl", "load_elemental2_repo_deps")

load("@com_google_elemental2//build_defs:workspace.bzl", "setup_elemental2_workspace")

Then, you can depend on target @com_vertispan_gwt_googlemaps//:googlemaps.


The version string is based on the version of Google Maps that this is compatible with - 3.40 matches the current version seen at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference as of writing, the -1 suffix exists to allow the generated Java to be updated and a new release made. The -SNAPSHOT suffix then indicates that this is not yet ready for production as we incorporate feedback from users, tweak things in how the jsinterop generator is used, etc.

Snapshots are presently available in either the Sonatype or Vertispan snapshot repository.
