npm i
npm run start
$ npm install @verybigthings/vbt-image-sequence-component
Component needs next props as an input:
type VBTImageSequenceComponentProps = {
imagesURLsJSONString: string; // Just JSON stringified Array of images src. Don't forget to require them before.
app: ImageSequenceApp; // Instance of the viewer, so it's not created once again
className?: string; // Just if needed.
idleImageSrc?: string;
aspectRatio: number;
// currentIndex: number;
interval: number; //interval between each of the frames in seconds
// -- needed for the layers of customization animation --
reverse: boolean;//, if set to true, the component goes to the last index and then goes in reverse
reversePauseInterval?: number; // seconds for how long the animation pauses after running the full sequence with reverse?
// -- needed for pausing the plug n play animation --
pause?: boolean; // which pauses the animation
// -- needed for the cube animation --
resetIndex?: number; // index on which the sequence will restart from beginning
startResetBehaviourIndex?: number; //start value for resetBehaviour counter
holdBehaviourIndex?: number; // if set to 2 for example, will run 2 whole animations after the reset counter finish
resetBehaviourIndex?: number; // if set to 3 for example, after the sequence restarts three times at restart index
// and then number equal to the hold-behaviour-index runs full animations
You can also destroy (dispose all GPU memory data of single instance) just calling:
const app = new ImageSequenceApp();
To control the size of the viewer, just change CSS style of div, that surrounds VBTImageSequenceComponent
<div style={{
width: "400px",
height: "400px",
position: "absolute",
top: "60px",
left: "60px",