
Menu Organizer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Menu Organizer. Access here!

This code is meant to collect recipes for various meals and allow convenient management of those recipes.

quick notes

  • Groceries server and MongoDB are both on the FUJI server (
  • learnnation.org is the FUJI server.
  • If you get error Permission denied (publickey), you may need to manually run ssh-add ~/.ssh/fuji_groceries because changes not propogated to extant tabs, or ask Matt.
  • So I used iloveimg to compress the jpgs (did better than the elephant site) and then I used cloudconvert to convert to webp, getting even smaller results.
  • jpg compression: https://www.iloveimg.com/compress-image/compress-jpg
  • jpg to webp conversion: https://cloudconvert.com/jpg-to-webp

set up mongo

First install MongoDB. For me, the output of mongod --version is db version v3.0.4.

The following is specific to the FUJI server unless otherwise stated.

Config file should be located at /usr/local/etc/mongodb.conf and should have contents:

  destination: file
  path: /var/db/mongodb/mongod.log
  logAppend: false
  dbPath: /var/db/mongodb
    enabled: true

To start the daemon:

sudo /usr/local/bin/mongod --logpath /var/db/mongodb/mongod.log --config /usr/local/etc/mongodb.conf --dbpath /var/db/mongodb

To kick off mongo daemon on matt's macbook:

/usr/local/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf

To restore the DB from an old backup:

mongorestore mongo-dumps/fuji-server.2024-08-31T12:26:08-04:00

or similar.


Since we are using NodeJS, I recommend installing nvm. Then install and enable node v11.15.0. The output of nvm which current is /path/to/.nvm/versions/node/v11.15.0/bin/node.

Then use npm to install gulp. The output of gulp --version contains Local version: 3.9.1.

Please refer to http://provemath.org/docs/install.html for directions on installing gulp and any dependencies. That website is for PROVEMATH, but things should be similar for groceries.

For our python backend, the output of python --version is Python 2.7.12.

To install python2 deps, use pip install -r requirements.txt, since we have the version info there.


Make sure you are using the correct version of node and gulp (see above) before running the build:


On the server, gulp may throw an 'operation not permitted' error when you try to build. This can be overrided with sudo:

sudo gulp


This serves BOTH the front-end HTML/JS/CSS stuff as well as the backend Python stuff.

cd server-side
python2 serve.py

Then you can visit the site at http://localhost:8243/index.html