Ansible role for deploying customised version of ELK, packed in docker. There are some pre-defined logstash patterns & pipelines, feel free to define yours.


Following roles are expected to be present

  • veselahouba/docker
  • veselahouba/docker_container


Install role

ansible-galaxy install veselahouba.elk

Using requirements.yml is recommended.


Role is configured as single-node out-of-the box. Just setup your inventory and create playbook.

Following parts are installed by default, listening on

  • elasticsearch : ports 9200,9300
  • logstash : port 5044 for beats
  • kibana : port 5601
  • cerebro : port 9000
  • elastalert

It's recommended to change elk_listen_ip: and wrap services with proxy.

Example playbook

- name: Deploy ELK backend
  become: true
  hosts: elk_backend
    - veselahouba.docker
    - veselahouba.elk

Multi-node cluster

  1. Put all your cluster hosts in inventory group
  2. Pick one host to be initial master
  3. Configure following variables
elk_cluster: true
elk_group_name: elk
elk_master_hosts: elk-master.domain.com
  1. Install with the same playbook as single-node

Custom patterns/pipelines/alerts

More info

For more detailed info and options consult defaults/main.yml file