
  • ISO.CORE - engine core.
  • ISO.DB.CommandLineManager - CLM manager for basic work with metadata datbase without external editor.
  • ProjectISO - game implementation on engine core.

File extensions

  • *.DAT - sqlite database
  • *.ZIP - packed game resources
  • *.XNB - MGCB compiled resources (in ZIP)
  • *.UI - json UI file
  • *.METAMAP - json with tiled map metadata
  • *.METAPIC - json with tileset informations used in metamap
  • *.SCRIPT - lua script for game logic

Core providers, managers, controllers

Name Info Type Access level
CorountineManager Providing management to corountine fuctions Manager Logic
LuaManager Providing management for lua script fuctions Manager Logic
ISOTiledManager Providing management for tiled maps Manager Logic
UIManager Providing management for UI Manager Logic
InputController Providing game input Controller Logic
SceneController Providing scenes control Controller Logic
LoadingController Providing loading functions Controller Logic
ISOContentProvider Extending ContentManager Provider Internal functions
ISOGraphicProvider Extending GraphicsDeviceManager Provider Internal functions
  • Managers - Could be used from LUA scripting (unique for each level)
  • Controllers - On game top level (can be accessed from anywhere)
  • Providers - Internal components which extending monogame functions (should not be touched from scripts)

File formats

Value Example
Location: [locationID]Name Example: 1 "Alpha"
Map: [mapID]Name Example: 0 "Forest"
Map_Data: [MapID][Name].METAMAP or [locationID][Name].METAPIC Example: - 0FOREST.METAMAP - 0FORESTTILES.METAPIC
Script: [MapID][Name].SCRIPT Example: 0JUMP.SCRIPT
UI: [MapID][Name].UI Example: 0MAIN.UI

External Editors


Core & ProjectISO